Submit Your Suggestions For Field View


Merged Suggestions

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit FV-I-340 Scheduling of tasks and form completion.

There is currently no option to search and create a report for a specific contractor that have been entered into Site Diary forms, instead of opening each site dairy and scrolling through the dairy to find a specific contractor along with the description and number of operatives onsite, the report should abstract all of these specific contractors from all of the site dairy’s dates selected. Merged

Why is it useful – This would be a powerful tool against contractors that are not preforming as per contract agreements, during meetings we can use this abstracted information from the site dairy forms and produce a report highlighting dates where operatives numbers are down or descriptions show up problems that have occurred.

Who would benefit – Anyone from Site Managers during monthly progress meeting, Quantity Surveyors for agreeing counts with the contractors, Directors to check on performance of the contractors and compare reports from few different projects.

How should It work – Same way we create other task reports by abstracting all of the required contractors that have been selected within site dairy and form the report with this information.
  • Guest
  • Dec 23 2015
  • Shipped
Company Willmott Dixon Construction
Job Title / Role Assistant Building Manager
I need it... 3 months
  • Admin
    Betsie Hoyt commented
    June 11, 2019 21:35

    This is an older request but I believe a valid one that we are addressing the root problem. There is no easy way to see who is responsible for completing a function. We have current work in progress to schedule a form to an assignee so you can track who is working on what. Then we will work on scheduling tasks. I'm going to merge this suggestion so you can track progress.

  • +2

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