Submit Your Suggestions For Field View

Add the ability to pin a new form or task on the website (and Plan View)

The option to add a task/form against a drawing on the website, for those that don’t have tablets.

  • Guest
  • May 18 2016
  • Planning to implement
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    November 21, 2022 11:43

    Yes please this would be very useful during project review.

  • Lisa Maloney commented
    March 23, 2021 15:26

    For our company, we definitely want to have the full plan view visible with all the pins.

    This way we don't have install devices in our meeting rooms and on everyone's device.

  • Chris Rippley commented
    March 10, 2021 12:41

    I'm in agreeance with the others. Right now I have the Field View Windows app downloaded to my laptop to be able to see everything a mobile device would. The downside is that you have to treat it like a mobile device (setup device name, sync, etc.). It definitely would be amazing not to be forced down this path. Thanks for the update Denise.

  • Tom Alexander commented
    March 10, 2021 08:05

    100% agree with the others that all pins should be visible on the plan view. To have the same functionality as the tablet plan view would be the preference i.e. to be able to view all pins, create new tasks/forms, edit existing pins etc...

  • Admin
    Denise Olsen commented
    March 10, 2021 04:21

    I didn't want to assume anything so thank you all so much for the feedback. I appreciate it. There is a separate suggestion box item for plan view on web - I'm going to merge these two together.

  • Shawn Gardener commented
    March 09, 2021 20:31

    I definitely support the suggestion that web has a complete plan view, able to view existing pins and drop new ones. The mobile app is great for people walking the site, but it doesn't tend to help managers that run multiple projects (having multiple jobs on their devices is a distinct challenge, either taking up way too much data storage or requiring constant full project syncs to switch to different projects). The plan view is also so very helpful for viewing in a meeting environment, either with a client, an architect or a subcontractor, and messing around trying to cast a tablet on the screen or into an online meeting creates a significant barrier to adoption.

  • David Thornhill commented
    March 09, 2021 15:28

    Another vote for view pins from me. Site based data collection is obviously done using the mobile app, but pretty much everything else is done using the web portal. Although it is possible to run a task/form report that includes the plan (with pins), this is slow and not interactive. Being able to move pins would also be a great help.

  • Dena Thurston commented
    March 09, 2021 10:41

    Definitely view the pins for us as long as the colours were also shown as we use this for viewing progress so having that availability on the web would be fabulous - RED Systems

  • Lizzie Featherstone commented
    March 09, 2021 09:12

    I agree with Dave - the functionality between the web and mobile version should be the same, with the exception that "all" pins should be visible on the web regardless of the "media sync" status. Our guys are screaming out for this as not all staff have a mobile or tablet device and they want to be able to visualise where issues are in the office on a computer.

  • david Parry commented
    March 09, 2021 08:13

    Hi Denise, I think if you are planning to do this it would be a huge missed opportunity to not have the ability to view all the pins on web. The ability to carry out work planning from the office by viewing all the pins on a plan would be a huge improvement. Being able to drop pins from Web but not see the others would be useful, but underwhelming as an update.

  • Admin
    Denise Olsen commented
    March 09, 2021 05:03

    Hi. I'm hoping to get some feedback on this. Is it enough to have the ability to drop a pin when a form or task is created on web? Or is there a need to actually see Plan View with all the pins on web? Engineering will begin to reserach this one and I'm sure having full-blown Plan on web will be a much larger effort than just providing the ability to create pins for new tasks & forms. I can definitely see the value of Plan View but then again, you can always see Plan View on a mobile device. Let me know what you think. Thank you

  • Dena Thurston commented
    February 13, 2018 14:18

    Having the same problem with forms that have been opened in location view, if there is a drawing calibrated for that location surely you should be able to have some sort of marker on the plan view to show it is there.

  • Guest commented
    October 04, 2016 13:44

    This could be via the website or something similar to what Bluestacks can do but most companies do not allow such software on company laptops.

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