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ability to associate lists of forms to a processes task

we would like the ability to link multiple form types to a process.


also we would like to link forms created outside of a process to be associated with a process task, even after the process has been set up and applied to a location within a project.


ideally we could use a filter search to generate a list of forms for a sepecific area and then with the check box against all forms, be able to associate them to a process task item, which will be available in the final sign off report.

  • Jason Rymer
  • Feb 5 2020
Company John Paul Construction
Job Title / Role BIM Maager
I need it... 1 month
  • Attach files
  • Steve Wood commented
    June 21, 2024 07:58

    We also would like to see the ability to associate more than one form to a process task - often processes are broken down against areas but within an area not all of that process step is completed in one go, for example, with fire stopping in a room you would expect to have a separate record now under the Building Safety Act for every fire stopping penetration marking the location of the penetration on the drawing, but as it stands we can't relate all those records to a single process step in a location.

  • David Thornhill commented
    December 02, 2020 16:55

    We have a similar requirement.

    We would like the user to have the option to complete the associated form/s or to be able to select one of the other forms assigned to the project. This would allow for additional forms to be added throughout the life of the process, even if it has been assigned to the geometry.

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