More work to be done on Process functionality, especially making it easier to set-up. Uploading an excel spreadsheet that populates in a similar way to the bulk geometry template and also available for API, as the Process reports on the website are limited and do not consolidate more than one process in a single report and so exporting reports can be timely. Also, we need to be able to change a process after it has already been assigned to location(s).
I need it... | 6 months |
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Hi David. Yes, I've reopened. We did some research work on this one and the research spike was attached to this suggestion in error. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for pointing it out.
Why has this suggestion been marked as Shipped? The only update yesterday was the update of the GETPROCESSDETAILS() API. That does not address this suggestion about setting up and editing processes.
We were led to believe last year that FV were working on making processes editable after it has been assigned. That is where the real value is in this suggestion. Can this be opened again please?
Hi Chris - I just met with engineering last week to review possible changes to Processes. We are beginning to research how we would go about allowing users to edit Processes after they've been assigned. Also, the ability to assign more than one form to a task. Lastly, I think it is important to provide a display of a Process that includes all the details on each task (without having to right click/edit task on each task separately to see the details). I apologize that I don't have a timeline for this but know we would like to get to this in 2020.
Any update as we are nearing four years?
This response is hugely disappointing and doesn't reflect the suggestion in any shape or form. Processes are key to our delivery and we waste so much resource in rebuilding these as they are so inflexible. Having flexibility to make changes, and an easy process to upload these in the first place is such a basic requirement.
Field View even had a session with their Clients held by Barry Frangipane to discuss the functionality that was required, and have since never acknowledged that session or made any steps to reflect the demands of the existing client base.
Can you please stop closing suggestions, citing that the main ask has been fulfilled, when it clearly hasn't? Nothing in this suggestion mentions the ability to use iphones or android. You have killed the suggestion by saying 'there's a lot of work to be done on processes', and then marking it as non-applicable. It now disappears until someone raises it again. If you are going to do this, it means no matter how many votes a suggestion gets, FV are just going to close it if it's either too hard or will take too long.
Sorry Betsie, the main ask is NOT the ability to access on phones. The main asks are that processes are easier to amend by admins once applied to geometry. The other main ask is that we can create a new process by an upload, as we do with geometry. Far too many requests are closed by admin on the flimsiest of answers.
I agree, we do have some work to do on processes. There's a lot to unpack here but let's keep that as a different ask which there are a few in the Suggestion List that I've tagged for later work.
The main ask on this request should be resolved with the ability for everyone to access the Field View app on iPhones and Androids which of course gives everyone access to tasks and forms. Realizing that this is an older request, we are trying to clean up the back log and make sure we are prioritizing requests.
Processes really need flexibility to be edited as they are far too rigid currently. We have to build test processes with blank forms attached (to give us some opportunity for change) for testing purposes, and we can't always predict every outcome during testing, so it's draining on resources if any changes then need to be made. The process needs to be removed, generally rebuilt and then retested before applying. We may also realised that we need a form added to a later process step that hasn't been started, and again this requires a potential rebuild to add it in.
We also want to be able to assign process steps to trade contractors, but they're not always all appointed when we are building the process.
Integration with Primavera would be amazing. We are a sub contractor so we are more in the weeds when it comes to a schedule or process. I feel like this is more of an upper level touch on processes. not enough fields for the type of data we need to communicate.
We also need the ability to revise processes in the same way we do forms, without having to start from scratch each time - or deactivate an old process which requires us to delete any associated form data!
Integration with programming software, i.e. Primavera or Microsoft Project
Yes, processes need to be integrated with the programming software.