Submit Your Suggestions For Field View

Option to turn off keyboard look-up on Pre-Defined Answers

The problem is, depending on where the question is on the screen at the time that the PDL Field is selected, the form jumps around so that the keyboard can appear. The keyboard also then obscures part of the PDL and in some cases most of it. Also if the keyboard is touched the PDL disappears.

In our configuration, the users are selecting 00s of answers from this PDL daily. Keyboards popping up and PDLs that can’t be easily seen or selected or that need more finger swipes = more time

  • John Pym
  • Feb 26 2019
  • Not Applicable
Company EDF
I need it... 1 month
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    Betsie Hoyt commented
    March 22, 2019 15:49

    This would be a configuration on your mobile device to turn off predictive text.  On most devices you can do so within settings if not available directly on the keyboard.  You also have the option to choose the type of keyboard that displays on the device if the one you are using be default doesn't suit the needs of your contractors.

  • Greg Bond commented
    March 05, 2019 11:23

    Fully agree with this suggestion - the recent update to allow searching through drop downs on a mobile device is a welcome one, but the keyboard is triggered instantly when a drop down question is selected - which makes looking at the list of answers painful.

    Perhaps a search box is available at the top of all dropdowns lists longer than 5 or 10 options. Then the keyboard would only appear on screen if the user taps to search...

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