When creating a form; it would be useful if disabled group questions were 'rolled up' for clarity (if that particular group is 'disabled' through the use of question logic).
Using a device, disabled groups are greyed out, but the resulting form report (pdf) doesn't reflect the same 'greying-out' of the disabled group questions. As a result the form report is confusing as there is a lot of blank questions, which makes the form look incomplete rather than left blank on purpose.
At the least it would be good if the form report could reflect the same greying-out of related questions.
Attachments show;
1) Device screenshot - showing 'greyed out' group
2) PDF report output (same form group displayed - not greyed out despite being disabled)
Company | Laing O'Rourke |
I need it... | Yesterday...Come on already |
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This would be extremely useful and would make the forms look more professional and practical.
This is to some extent available in Classic, but not working in New FV.
When downloading the form report you get the option to "Print Selected Groups", however, it only works in Classic and does not refer to disabled groups, but to groups in general. See screenshot from New FV.
I think it would be useful to automatically remove the section that is not triggered by a question logic when downloading the form report.
You could add a selection on the Form Report window (i.e. Print Groups disabled by Question Logic - and have this automatically selected to make sure it keeps the same format when downloading the process sign off sheet with forms).
It would be a massive improvement quality wise and save us time having to explain the client why the questions in the group are not answered.
This would definitely be of benefit. The greying out does help with indicating what sections can be omitted however the way our forms are set up, users will have to scroll all the way down to reach the required section. Would also like groups that are not required to be hidden from the final report or otherwise greyed out similar to the tablet view.
Would like to see this implemented asap as it would totally change how we use our forms for the better.
I agree that having the disabled group become hidden would be very helpful. In a case I recently encountered I had a Static Text Field associated with a disabled group, with the intention of it being instructions given based on the response to the logical question. with these instructions being visible regardless of the response it defeats the purpose of the logical response.
I would like to see everything associated with a disabled group essentially become invisible unless the appropriate response is given.
This would be great for us also, been asked by the site guys about this a few times now.
I agree with this! Additionally, when filing out the report it would be helpful if the disabled question group (due to question logic) was not shown instead of greyed out. This would save my field guys a lot of scrolling past unnecessary questions.