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Sync all projects on a tablet

Add an option to sync all projects on a tablet at one time instead of having to sync each project individually. 

  • Ryan Wanner
  • Dec 19 2016
  • Future consideration
Company Seymour Pacific Developments
I need it... 24 months
  • Attach files
  • Jeff Kinghorn commented
    February 07, 2019 08:59

    As described by Raymond Gilbert on this project on 22/6/17, this is a vital feature.  If feasible, can it be implemented urgently please?

  • Guest commented
    February 07, 2019 07:59

    Yes please would save me a lot of time in the morning.

  • Guest commented
    June 01, 2018 14:36

    I agree with Ben. It's would be great if at the start and end of everyday we could do one mass sync of all projects on a device.

    the projects are not always worked on but information from everywhere else is always updated and this would be good as your up to date on every project whether you're working on it or using it for monitoring uses. 

  • Guest commented
    June 01, 2018 07:05

    Hi, it is not so much needing to sync straight after raising a task/form, it is more syncing projects daily so they are up to date. We do not have connectivity on our construction sites so sync when back in the office on Wi-Fi.


    Ben Walters
    Building Services Manager
    Aspire Defence Capital Works

    Aspire Business Centre, Ordnance Road
    Tidworth, SP9 7QD, UK
    D: 01980 88 6780
    M: +44 (0)7768846629

  • Admin
    Betsie Hoyt commented
    May 31, 2018 21:53

    We agree.  There are a couple of initiatives we are reviewing that would alleviate if not solve this problem.  We are planning a sync that gives you the option to push a sync after saving a task or changing a status.  If you are in agreement that this solves the issue I will combine it with the suggestion so you can track progress.  

  • Guest commented
    May 01, 2018 09:29

    With multiple assets being uploaded at different times an ability to sync all projects would save a lot of time it is frustrating when on site to find that I have to return to site to sync before adding more data. (no wifi) to have a one stop sync all is what's needed.

  • Guest commented
    May 01, 2018 06:41

    Would be a really time saving option, I have 26 projects which will increase, this takes too much time to sync projects so they are available each day.

  • Guest commented
    September 04, 2017 14:03

    Essential especially when you have to deal with multiple devices on multiple project.

  • Raymond Gilbert commented
    June 22, 2017 14:31

    I need this too, as we are currently implementing around 45 Projects this year, moving up to 180+ in 2019, so SYNC ALL is a vital feature.

    The sooner the better.

  • +32

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