Submit Your Suggestions For Field View

Task Email notifications subject and report title

Dear FV

Managing the task emails is difficult please can you implement the following as soon as practical.

We have a requirement to issue correspondence through a correspondence management system.  Unfortunately the system is unable to determine who raised the task.

1 - Subject of email

Currently the subject of the task report email is similar to: Portion W - Early Works Waves: New Field View Tasks Issued To Pacific Complete - PC Environment.  Please can you include the Task ID in the subject.

i.e. T11600.34-Portion W - Early Works Waves: New Field View Tasks Issued To Pacific Complete - PC Environment

2 - Title of pdf

Currently the title of the emailed pdf report is in the form: 1242478-Portion-W--Early-Works-Waves-New-Field-View-Tasks-Issued-To-Goldings-61F7F38A-D119-4659-9F87-EC1BBD229FC8.pdf

Please change it to the Task number and loose the linkID at the end.

i.e. T11600.34-Portion-W--Early-Works-Waves-New-Field-View-Tasks-Issued-To-Goldings.pdf

3 - Email addresses

It appears that Tasks and Forms are emailed out using BCC, so that there is no record of who received the mail and when.  Please include the full distribution of the Task in the email address.





  • Matthew Bailey-Lawrence
  • Jul 5 2016
  • Future consideration
Company Parsons Brinkerhoff / Laing O’Rourke
Job Title / Role Quality Lead
I need it... 1 month
  • Attach files
  • Claire Wilson commented
    April 16, 2019 07:27

    Adding to this - could we have the option to customise which fields we include in the subject line - similar to what is in place on Viewpoint for Projects. We would find it helpful if the location were included in the subject line so end users can easily identify which area the form / task is related too. This is critical for users working on projects that cover several blocks / Levels.

  • Admin
    Betsie Hoyt commented
    July 06, 2018 15:24

    Current Impact as reported:

    When we auto distribute based on status the key information is often held in the date and form title fields. At the moment the only included information is the form template name, but this doesn’t give any useful information when a user is receiving several per day.  

    This prevents users from having to open the pdf to figure out whether it needs their attention



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