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PDF exporter to include all attachments and child forms after the primary form they were attached to (In the order they were attached)

An optional button for both form and process pdfs to include the attachments and child forms.

For forms: include the attachments and child forms after the form in the same pdf, in the order they were added to the form.

For processes: include the attachments after every form in the same pdf, in the order they were added to the form.

End up with:

Form 1

Child form 1.1

Child form 1.2

Attachment 1.1

Attachment 1.2

Form 2

Child form 2.1

Attachment 2.1

Attachment 2.2


  • Alina Turda
  • Apr 7 2024
  • Likely to implement
Company BYLOR
Job Title / Role Quality System Manager
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
  • Diana Karvounis commented
    26 Nov 12:57

    For RC LTQR compilations, we should include only the child forms after the primary form, as per the ITP requirements, not all attachments are necessary.

  • Taegan Thomas commented
    26 Nov 12:42

    This would be a great update!

  • Guest commented
    26 Nov 12:39

    For the RC LTQR compilations, only include the child forms following the primary form(s), as not all attachments are required according to the ITP.

  • Matthew Ridealgh commented
    26 Nov 12:12

    If this is implemented it would generate huge timesaving's and make the process of PDF exporting much smoother.

  • Steve Wood commented
    21 Jun 08:35

    With the new legal obligations through the Building Safety Act putting massive additional requirements on contractors to provide extensive information packs to clients this functionality is essential to avoid a huge amount of manual time and effort to export forms to PDF and manually output each attachment to combine it into a single PDF to incorporate into a handover pack. I would agree there ought to be the option to also include child forms, and on the report generation dialog box I would want to see separate tick boxes to "Include attachments" and "Include associated forms".

    Ideally the 'Include associated forms' option would allow you to select which form types should be included in the output, but just having the ability to output all associated forms would be a massive leap forward.

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