Submit Your Suggestions For Field View

marker/pin on the drawing

Can you adjust the priority 1 set up ?

To help the Site Manager efficiently find the location of each form ?

This will allow the Site Manager to get a clear indication of exactly where the sub-contractor has placed the marker/pin on the drawing for each form.

I know there is a way, but that is searching through a number of different drop downs, with hundreds of forms being generated one per pin this does not work.

It would make sense for this to be the first click option next to the title.

I know a clearer description could have been put area inspected box, but with so many similar locations, elevation, level, block, window, door, etc. plus so many separate pins/markers being created. it is easy to get confused. A fast route as suggested on a screen shot on the attached document, top of drawing with a immediate link to the drawing & marker/pin for that form.

This would make a huge difference, would be easier to complete checks and there would be less room for error

Can you let me know what you can do ?

Kind regards

Bruce De'Ath

07789 742 570

  • Guest
  • Apr 22 2022
Company L&Q
Job Title / Role Site Manager
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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